Corin Hemphill
Entry #1

Why am I taking this course?

I could keep it short and sweet and just say this is a required class for my major; but to be honest I did purposefully choose Intro to Mass Comm.  I am a Mass Communications major who has no idea what to concentrate in. I chose this major so I could take German, theater, political science, and only have two math classes for freshman year and none after. I was a student who chose a major with no intention of doing anything with it. How am I supposed to apply what I learn to my future, if I know nothing if my field?

This is the very first blog entry I have ever made. It is a new experience and I'm positive that I'll continue to use it after this semester. The purpose of a blog is for a person to share their thoughts and opinions on various subjects. It's safe to assume that using a blog will get my feet wet for any journalism I plan to do in the future. I can take full advantage of my assigned blog entries to convey my thoughts and learn how to reach an audience through typing articles. Yes, this will indeed work out for me. 

Now that I'm in my second year at North Carolina Central University, it's time for me to decide what I want to do with my life. I've always thought that reviewing movies, television, books etc. would be an interesting and fun job. That led me to discover that journalism would be the correct path to take as a concentration. However, if I am to pursue a career in anything I must learn as much as possible about my major. I'd rather have no major than wallow around aimlessly while my peers have career paths to be actively involved in.



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