Guest Speaker: Sinclair Williams Jr.

Today in Intro to Mass Comm, we met Sinclair Williams Jr as our guest speaker  as part of the Motivational Task Force (MTF) Program. The MTF Program features volunteers from both public and private sectors engage students about their future career plans and inform them about their opportunities. Volunteers further describe the challenges and the steps taken to overcome them in their personal career development.  
Now onto our Speaker. Mr. Williams graduated North Carolina Central University with a Bachelor's degree in English. He is the minister of New Jerusalem Baptist Church in Greer, South Carolina and a counselor. Sinclair has had a lot of work experience in different jobs but the one that stood out to me the most was his time a motivational speaker. I was always open to the idea of being a motivational speaker so Sinclair immediately had my full attention. I asked about 5-6 to six questions about his work as a motivational speaker and he gave very thorough responses.
When Mr.Williams spoke about his motivational speaking career he mentioned that "you start doing it for free until someone starts paying you". I would then ask Mr. Williams how long it would take until he started making money and he responded with "not long". Mr. Williams explained that, a motivational speakers business is spread by the word of schools. Speakers would be recommended by guidance counselor and others who attended their speeches.  
Moreover, Mr.Williams talked about his behavioral counseling job. He would go to a young man's house for 8 hours and provide him an ear to vent to and keep his anger in check. Mr. Sinclair also recommends the kid books to read and speaks with the family members from time to time.
Overall, I found Mr. Williams to be a very engaging speaker. His career path was very inspiring and it made me take more consideration into pursuing motivational speaking as a career.


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