Day 30 - Anime you wished continued

Classroom of the Elite

CotE was introduced as a show about meritocracy. It takes place in a school where classes are ranked A to D and treated based on how well they perform. Therefore Class A will have all the money and Class D will be at the bottom. It's an interesting concept ripe for social commentary but the show isn't very smart. Or good for that matter.

But is interesting though and that's the main reason I want a continuation. The show has a lot of ideas and plot twists but with a run time of 12 episodes none of the ideas go anywhere. Let's say we find out a character has secret, maybe it's their past, their family or another side of their personality; we'll get that information as a cliffhanger in one episode but we won't find out anymore in the next episode. The show is just bait and switch, presenting us with one question but instead of answering said question just raising another question. There's enough meat in the story to be satisfied with the anime but after finishing it I'm left wondering what was the point of it all.

Now if the show were to get a sequel; a good sequel that answered the questions, I'd like it more.


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