Day 1 - Very First anime I watched

Zoids: New Century Zero

I'm not really confident that this is my first anime as that could've easily been G Gundam, Pokemon, or Digimon but I'll pick this one because I remember being more fascinated with it than anything other show when I was a child.

Zoids New Century Zero is the sequel to Zoids Chaotic Century. In Chaotic Century Zoids were beast mecha used for war but in New Century Zero they were used for competition. However, New Century Zero was released in the U.S. first so that change in direction or any significance that came from it wasn't on my mind. I just wanted to watch cool robots fight and it delivered on that.
I rewatched the first episode before writing this and it was better than I remember it being. Granted it didn't thrill 23 year old me as much as did Six year old me but it kept my attention for a full 22 minutes.

Bit Cloud despite his silly name immediately clicked me a protagonist. He's introduced as a scrap dealer looking for parts to sell so his knowledge and interest in Zoids comes as genuine instead of sounding like exposition. Him being in the midst of a battle while still coincidental isn't contrived at all. None of his actions feel they had to happen for the sake of plot development. 
But the real star of the show is the signature mecha: Liger Zero. 
Liger Zero is a mysterious white clad Zoid with a temper. It's said to go berserk as soon as someone jumps in the cockpit, and within five minutes of it's first appearance Liger Zero does just that. It's obvious Liger Zero is designed just to sell toys but the machine looks so cool moving and fighting I'm more focused on the action than any marketing scheme.
In the end I'm not sure if I'll continue watching it now but I'm glad my fond memories of New Century Zero weren't crushed in one rewatch.


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