Day 17 - Favorite Male Supporting Character

Shikamaru Nara - Naruto

Naruto gets criticized a lot for not using it's supporting cast enough. There's a lot of likable characters with interesting techniques that could have been developed more and and it's easy to understand someone's disappointment with not seeing more of Rock Lee, Shino or the female characters sans Sakura. However with the exception of Gaara there is one supporting character who has always a good amount of screen time, Shikamaru.

Shikamaru is cool, both in the sense that he keeps calm and that he's impressive. His official introduction in the Chunin Exams arc as a lazy good for nothing. But what belies his demeanor is his greatest strength. Shikamaru is a genius with an IQ of 200. He's a master strategist able to approach every fight like an old man playing shogi. While his fight against Hidan was excellent and gratifying his most famous bout is his match against Temari where he thought several steps ahead of his opponent and really shocking the audience.

He also rides a fine line between easygoing and responsible, making him a good leader. If there's someone who hates Shikamaru, I haven't met them. He's the best of Kishimoto's writing without any qualities that could make him divisive, he's just so cool.


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