Day 3 Favorite Male Character

Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo aka Kacchan aka Lord Explosion Murder is the deuteragonist of My Hero Academia.
In his first appearance we see him as a child ganging up on the protagonist Izuku Midoriya for trying to defend another child Bakugo was already bullying. Flash forward to his last year of middle school insulting his classmates, bragging about how how great he is, and still bullying Izuku. he even goes as far as to tell Izuku to kill himself. This is chapter 1/episode 1.

Things change for Bakugo once he enters UA.
He's no longer the star student so he doesn't immediately stand at the top like he did before. Izuku also got into UA so he doesn't even have the distinction of being the best from his middle school. His dynamic with Izuku has also changed completely. Izuku is more popular in the class so Bakugo can't just push him anymore and now that Izuku has a quirk Bakugo cant support his ego on Izuku being a failure anymore.

So now Bakugo has to apply himself. He has to work harder and think smarter than ever before. In spite of his hotheaded, punk character and brute force Bakugo turns out to have a keen intellect, able to analyze his opponents and come up with different ways of using  his quirk to win.

What's great about Bakugo is that he comes off as antagonistic most of the time but has no interest in being a villain. Bakugo wants to win the way he sees  his hero All Might win, in a decisive fashion. Not just by saving the day but by destroying his opponents. He craves power but his pride and ambition are so strong that he wouldn't even consider being used or betraying his morals.


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