Day 4 - Favorite Female Anime Character

Chika Takami

At first I didnt care much for Chika. I thought she was good but still placed her in my bottom 5. Now after finishing Love Live Sunshine's Second Season she's really endeared me. As a protagonist I think she's fantastic at leading her cast both in and out of the story. Chika is hardworking and charismatic, able to socialize and inspire her fellow idols as well as the audience.

Chika's story is one of success or rather a person asking what it means to be successful. She's got the determination to face adversity and achieve goals but what exactly are those goals? Are your goals tangible? How should she achieve them? Should you copy your role models? And more importantly, should you give up?

Chika answers all of those.
She's like a shonen protagonist in an idol anime. She's an ambitious dork chasing her dreams which not only become more complex but forces her to grows both stronger and more responsible. She even has a training arc dedicated to learning a move from her sempai, it's awesome.


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